Standard Assessment

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Say goodbye to cumbersome and inefficient compliance processes and hello to streamlined, effective compliance management with COMPASS. Our platform empowers you to demonstrate compliance with ease, simplifying communication and collaboration across teams, and providing real-time monitoring and tracking of compliance progress and gaps.
You can conduct Assessments against any Standard, Regulation or Framework and assess your compliance. Just add the Standards to your Assessments, assign Owners and get going. It is as simple as that!

Key Highlights

Automated, customizable workflows to streamline Assessments.
Real-time monitoring and tracking of Compliance Status and gaps.
Built-in Notifications and Task tracking keep everyone accountable.
Built-in Notifications and Task tracking keep everyone accountable.
Built-in Notifications and Task tracking keep everyone accountable.
COMPASS provides complete visibility into your security controls, a clear understanding of your compliance posture, and actionable recommendations to remediate issues, without any clutter.
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